In Rome : Boyfriend Blazer and Floral Statement Necklace

Hi friends, hope your week has started off well.  I am still recovering from jet-lag and it is one in the morning as I am putting up this post.  This is our 3rd day in Rome where we visited the Pantheon, Plaza Novona and the Vatican.  I recalled it was a rather chilly day and we were wearing several layers.


The Pantheon


I liked the Plaza Novona best, of all the sights I visited in Rome, probably due to the overwhelming scale of the plaza


Soon, it was time for lunch, we were sizing up options for lunch and settled for this cozy cafe with a street view


The gelato (not in pic if you are looking) was the first I tried in Italy and it totally blew my mind away!  It was that good!


At the St Peter’s Square, a must-visit for tourists


Really liked the lone pigeon


Now there are three!


The golden sphere in the Courtyard of the Pinecone on the grounds of the Vatican Museum.  What it signifies is open to various interpretations.


There are lots of lovely ceiling murals which keep your necks craned.  Most visitors ended up with stiff necks, I know I did.


The exit spiral staircase that is quite an attraction by itself, spot me in the pic!


After Vatican, we really need a respite from the crowds. A quiet spot where we stumbled upon by chance, rare to come by in busy busy Rome!


This calls it a day!  Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my next post where we visit the lovely Amalfi Coast

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